Tuesday, February 12, 2008

You will not be burned

"When you pass through waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the LORD your God. (Isaiah 43: 2-3)

I live in a country where the supply of electricity by the power company is so poor, that a very high percentage of all families have a portable electricity generating set as back-up to the power company.

Usually there is a change over switch so that your electrical appliances are either receiving electricity from your generator or from the Power company. This was the case in my home, until we found our that a neighbour had connected himself to our wiring system through the ceiling. This meant that the neighbours apartment could receive electricity from our own apartment. Not such a big problem when the electricity is coming from the power company. But when the electricity is coming from a small generator with limited capacity, this was a big problem. Confronting the neighbour was not an option. So what we did was call in an electrical contractor to put in new electrical cables that would not run through the ceiling. This way we were able to use the generator without it being overloaded by a daring neighbour.

So I'm sure you're thinking, all is well that ends well. Not exactly. A few months later, my husband noticed that whenever he switched on the generator, it felt as if the generator was bearing a load much heavier than it was supposed to carry. We tried our own lay man sense to trace the problem but no luck. We had to call in another electrician. Not the same one who laid the surface cables. After much checking he found out that our previous electrician had run cables in the track of a sliding door. The cable had now broken from constant rubbing from the door. The effect was therefore that electricity, not being able to run down that particular. cable was being returned to the generator. If we had continued using the generator it would have caught fire. The electrician, actually wondered how no one had been electrocuted, from touching the sliding door whilst the generator was being used.

All I can says is that God showed himself mighty again. The sliding door in question is actually the door to the guest quarters which was being occupied by some relations. What defence would we have had, if visitors in our home got electrocuted. Or what story would we have told the Land lord if his building burnt down.

We can never be too smart, too clever or too careful. Ultimately it is only God that keeps us safe.