Sunday, January 17, 2010

He is a God of Second Chances

It has been ages since I posted to this blog. My circumstances changed so much, I hardly have time to spend on the web. Now that my time is my own for a bit, a thought I should share another testimony with you.

For years I had been employed by this multi-national. The pay was good and the work not so stressful. However there was a glass ceiling above which those of us who are not nationals of the Group Company could not aspire. In spite of this, I stuck to the job, at least the pay was okay, and I really enjoyed my job.

As years went by the situation went from bad to worse as the expatriates started to make us the local staff unwelcome and unappreciated. My search for a new job started again. This time I thought I shouldn't just rely on answering adverts, but also ask for assistance from friends who I thought were in a position to help. The reception I got was not encouraging. Most of the friends I approached were of the opinion that I was to old to think of changing jobs.

This did not change my resolve. I kept telling myself that God had to have a better plan for me, than to work in a place where I wasn't welcome. I got so frustrated at one point I even started considering jobs that paid a lower salary. But God is a faithful father, and just when I thought I couldn't bear it anymore, He came to my aid.

I continued to reply to adverts that I qualified for. When I got an invitation for this particular job I was ecstatic. But after the interview I heard nothing for a few months, I thought the position must have been filled. Only for me to get a call after three months telling me I had got the job.

Today I am in that new job. God has been helping me to meet the challenges I meet. The story of my resignation and eventual withdrawal from my old job, is a story for another day. For this new job, I did not have to take a pay cut, instead I have added fringe benefits. The doubts my friends had that I was too old to change jobs were proven wrong. In my new job I am the youngest at that level. In fact people keep asking me whether I am not too young to occupy the office .

GOD is indeed the God of Second Chances.